Chemical Engineering Kinetics (155:341)
Fall 2015, Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Fundamental theories of kinetics. Ideal reactor analysis; single reactions, parallel and series reactions. Consideration of real reactors and reactor design. Principles of heterogeneous catalysis, combined mass transfer/kinetic phenomena, and approaches to catalytic reactor design using computer methods.
Advanced Transport Phenomena (155:501)
Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Momentum transport processes in laminar- and turbulent-flow systems. Development and application of steady and unsteady boundary-layer processes, including growth, similitude principles, and separation. Potential flow theory coupled with viscous dissipation at boundaries. Momentum transport in fixed- and fluid-bed exchangers and reactors. Prerequisite: Undergraduate transport phenomena.
South China University of Technology (SCUT) Student Summer Program at Rutgers
Summer 2017, 2018
Revolutionizing reaction engineering and catalysis through in-situ and Operando spectroscopy
Short course on coupling the basic principles of reactor design with molecular spectroscopic techniques in order to measure accurately the kinetics of complex reactions. Efforts were placed on developing an understanding on the changes occur on active sites.
Chemical Engineering Kinetics (155:341)
Fall 2015, Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Fundamental theories of kinetics. Ideal reactor analysis; single reactions, parallel and series reactions. Consideration of real reactors and reactor design. Principles of heterogeneous catalysis, combined mass transfer/kinetic phenomena, and approaches to catalytic reactor design using computer methods.
Advanced Transport Phenomena (155:501)
Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Momentum transport processes in laminar- and turbulent-flow systems. Development and application of steady and unsteady boundary-layer processes, including growth, similitude principles, and separation. Potential flow theory coupled with viscous dissipation at boundaries. Momentum transport in fixed- and fluid-bed exchangers and reactors. Prerequisite: Undergraduate transport phenomena.
South China University of Technology (SCUT) Student Summer Program at Rutgers
Summer 2017, 2018
Revolutionizing reaction engineering and catalysis through in-situ and Operando spectroscopy
Short course on coupling the basic principles of reactor design with molecular spectroscopic techniques in order to measure accurately the kinetics of complex reactions. Efforts were placed on developing an understanding on the changes occur on active sites.
Chemical Engineering Kinetics (155:341)
Fall 2015, Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Fundamental theories of kinetics. Ideal reactor analysis; single reactions, parallel and series reactions. Consideration of real reactors and reactor design. Principles of heterogeneous catalysis, combined mass transfer/kinetic phenomena, and approaches to catalytic reactor design using computer methods.
Advanced Transport Phenomena (155:501)
Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Momentum transport processes in laminar- and turbulent-flow systems. Development and application of steady and unsteady boundary-layer processes, including growth, similitude principles, and separation. Potential flow theory coupled with viscous dissipation at boundaries. Momentum transport in fixed- and fluid-bed exchangers and reactors. Prerequisite: Undergraduate transport phenomena.
South China University of Technology (SCUT) Student Summer Program at Rutgers
Summer 2017, 2018
Revolutionizing reaction engineering and catalysis through in-situ and Operando spectroscopy
Short course on coupling the basic principles of reactor design with molecular spectroscopic techniques in order to measure accurately the kinetics of complex reactions. Efforts were placed on developing an understanding on the changes occur on active sites.
Tsilomelekis Research Group
Material Synthesis | Heterogeneous Catalysis | Operando Molecular Spectroscopy
Tsilomelekis Research Group
Material Synthesis | Heterogeneous Catalysis | Operando Molecular Spectroscopy
Lab Sponsors

Lab Tour

HORIBA | LabRAM HR Evolution
High spatial and spectral resolution Raman spectrometer (UV compatible) equipped with a confocal microscope
Air cooled open electrode 1024x256 pixels CCD -75°C
Laser Source: 532nm
UV-Vis-NIR macro lens of 40 mm focal length for open geometry Raman configuration

High resolution (~0.9 cm-1) infrared spectrometer equipped with DLaTGS and MCT-A detectors
Long Lifetime Polaris™ Infrared Source
Gold optics
Parker-Balston 75-45 purge unit

HARRICK | Reaction Chambers
High-Temperature DRIFT Reaction Chamber
Raman reaction top dome (UV-quartz window)
Suitable for Operando spectroscopic measurements
Operation from high vacuum (133 μPa or 10-6 torr) to 3.44MPa (25.8 ktorr)
Temperature up to 910°C (under vacuum)
Specac | ATR
High-performance single reflection monolithic diamond ATR
Analysis of a broad range of materials including those that are abrasive, hard, reactive, or corrosive
Temperature up to 300°C

High-Pressure Reactors
Non-Stirred Pressure Vessel (100ml) for catalyst preparation
Stirred Pressure Vessel (50ml)
Stirred Pressure Vessel (500ml) for process scale-up

Vacuum Oven
Static and Dynamic vacuum